My relationship to the natural environment precipitates a personal space in the picture plane. Pared back subtle hues of colour glow, amorphous shapes suggest inner presence. Soft transposing spaces and dark velvet glazes tell of the power of reminiscence.
I get excited just to see,
That sky is blue, that earth is earth,
And that’s the hardest thing to see a rock somewhere,
And there it is : earth colored rock,
I am getting closer to that
Then there is a time in life when you just take a walk,
And you walk in your own landscape.
Willem de Kooning, Sketchbook No. 1: The Americans, film script produced and directed by Robert Snyder, 1060, in The Collected Writings of Willem de Kooning, ed. Raymond Foye and Franceso Clemente (Madras, India and New York: Hanuman Books, 1988), 177.